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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis.

As a father of 1 kid, I always motivate him to get into physical activities. Usually after my 9-5 job and on weekends we both go to kick scooting to have some fun time together. We usually change scooters often and this where we test our scooters mostly

Well nothing much to speak here but I live with my child and a beautiful wife. I have my 2 elder brothers as well. I always like to spend cheering time with my family.

No I do not own any of it. I just recommend it based on my experience and those who use it around me.

Riding Kick scooter is part of my daily routine. But I specially use it for fun and give company to child. By the way, I love riding kick scooters