
5 Kick scooter Stunts you can learn in 1 day

There are many reasons why teens should do stunts on a kick scooter. For one, it can be a great way to get some exercise. Kick scooter tricks and stunts require a lot of coordination and balance, so it’s a great way to improve those skills. Plus, it’s just plain fun!

Doing stunts on a kick scooter can also be a great way to impress your friends. By doing some cool tricks, they’ll be impressed and maybe even a little jealous. And who doesn’t want to show off their skills?

So if you’re looking for a fun and active way to spend your time, consider doing some stunts on a kick scooter. You won’t regret it!

Here are five kick scooter trick and stunts that you can learn in no time:

1. The Basic Pop

The basic pop is the most enjoyable scooter trick and the foundation for all other tricks. To do a basic pop, simply place your back foot on the tail of the scooter and your front foot in the middle of the deck. Make sure that your front foot is well positioned at the middle of deck or else you might encounter accident. Then, push down with your back foot and pull up with your front foot to “pop” the scooter into the air.

2. The Front Foot Pop

The front foot pop is similar to the basic pop, but instead of popping with your back foot, you’ll use your front foot. This trick is a little hard to master, but once you get the sweet spot of it, than you’ll be able to do all sorts of variations. We recommend you to wear proper shoes when you try this stunt to minimize the risk of injuries.

3. The Ollie

The ollie is a classic skateboarding trick that can also be done on a scooter. To do an ollie, place your back foot on the tail of the scooter and your front foot near the front of the deck. Avoid your foot contact with brake, or else Ollie might give you some hard time with your health. Then, jump up and use your front foot to kick the scooter up into the air. Make sure you level the scooter at-least one time in air.

4. The No-Handed Pop

The no-handed pop is a variation of the basic pop. To do this trick, simply pop the scooter into the air without using your hands. This may take a few tries to master, and also require lots of energy to perform but it’s a great trick to impress your friends and other kick scooter stunt fellows.

5. The Manual

The manual is another classic skateboarding trick that can be done on a scooter. To do a manual, simply roll the scooter forward on its front wheels. Then, use your back foot to “pop” the scooter into the air and balance on the rear wheels. This trick takes a lot of practice, but once you get it, you’ll be able to do all sorts of variations. If you manage to perform this manual stunt on kick scooter then you can easily perform on skateboard in future.


Doing tricks on kick scooter excites everyone, Specially when you are in park and you see someone doing tricks that are applauded by majority of peoples. All you see is glory of that stunt, but what you can’t see is effort behind that struggle. Every stunt requires loads of practice, patience and balance. These things are not earned within seconds, But you can ace it with consistency. So always be cautious and confident while performing above stunts.Choose the one which suits your age.

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